"Thanks momma for letting me quit the team. I'll just live with you forever!" 

Buddha once said, "Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines, but it is to the one who endures that the final victory will come." Wilma Rudolph gave it to us like this, "It doesn't matter what you're trying to accomplish. It's all a matter of discipline. I was determined to discover what life held for me beyond the inner-city streets." The old school coaches used to hang a sign in the weight room that said, “Check your feelings and your attitude at the door because this is GROWN MAN BUSINESS.”

So many of these young cats don't understand what it takes to survive in the real world because they've been pampered for far too long. So many of them are destined to fail because they have no heart and intestinal fortitude. The head football coach at Idaho State, Mike Kramer, is being investigated by both campus police and the Pocatello police department for pushing one of his players at practice. You read that right bruh! Pushing a player at practice! Kramer ran across the field and got into wide receiver Derek Graves' face, gave him the business and then two hand pushed him and walked away. I'm fired up that this kid has my last name first of all. Let me be clear when I say that.

When I was growing up sports was the maker of men. Whether you played basketball, football or ran track. Coaches were like father figures on and off of the field and they were extremely hard on you. On some real talk, they would say just about anything to you or about you to get the very best out of you.

Now of course, back in that day everybody had some type of connection with their dads, uncles or a coach that told them how life was going to be and you either had to deal with it or quit. Single mothers ain't nothing new bruh! There have always been cats in the hood without a father but moms got help from uncles, mentors and coaches to get it in. Don't get me wrong I think that a man that doesn't raise his children is the worse thing alive. The word of God says,"A man that doesn't take care of his family has denied the faith and is worse than a non-believer!" 1Timothy 5:8

 Like Bo Schembechler once said, "Those that stay will become champions!" Those that made it through the discipline have become solid men with or without a father. Now days there are so many kids being raised by single moms without any connection to their fathers or a male role model at all and their mother treats them like they're the man of the house. So as a consequence, these duns are as soft as drugstore cotton candy because they've never really been disciplined by a man until they're grown and by then it's too late.

This dun is pressing charges and says that the coach humiliated him in front of his teammates. Are you kidding me? I feel sorry for my baby girl and all of the young ladies coming up in this generation because they don't have anything to choose from when it comes to cats being protectors and providers. If you can't take a coach getting in your face and pushing you with 20 pounds of equipment on you may as well go climb into a whole because life is gonna beat the brakes off of you. If you don't believe me just as ole Vince Young right now.

He couldn't take Jeff Fischer getting in his grip because he wasn't accustomed to a grown man getting into his face and giving him the REAL. Remember when extremely soft Kendrick Perkins got dunked on by Blake Griffin last year and LeBron tweeted to his 3.5 million followers about how amazing the dunk was and Perkins got upset?  In my Ray Gibson (Eddie Murphy) voice, "Sofffffffffftt!"

Remember when  former Kansas head coach, Mark Mangino, got fired in 2008 after many of his players complained that he was disrespecting them. He once told a kid at halftime, "You keep talking about being a 1000 yard rusher but you haven't done $%#!." The kid said that coach called him out in front of the team and disrespected him. Are you kidding me?  He also threw a kid out of his chair because he was sleeping during a team meeting prior to the bowl game. So the player called his mother from the bowl sight and told her that he wanted to transfer. You read that right! He called his mother and she rushed to his aid! Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! He shouldn’t have been sleeping in the meeting! If he had been able to call an old school Big Momma or his ole man he would have gotten cursed out and then thrown out of the chair but these new momma's ran to his rescue and crippled him.

Former Oklahoma running back (30 for 30 "The Best That Never Was) Marcus Dupree called him momma too when Barry Switzer was giving him the blues. She told him that it was OK to come home and he's done nothing with his life ever since. She must have been a new school momma in an old school momma's uniform because that was in 1983. Sometimes it's OK for your baby boy to get pushed down and cursed out.

One thing that all young cats need to learn very early on is that NOBODY CARES! If you don't believe me go out on I-285, 270, 465 or where ever you live and park your joint on the side of the road, pop the hood and wait to see how long it takes for somebody to help you. NOBODY CARES about you but your momma but she can't keep life from kicking your butt because at some point it will!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

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