Guaranteed Losers

"We better celebrate now bruh! Cuz you know the wheels are bound to come off!"
During the NBA season last year I wrote a Hot Joint entitled "The Firm" that explained to boyz that players don’t win titles, organizations do. We’ll that same concept applies in the NFL too. Jerry Jones is the most business savvy owner in the league but he’s one of the worst football owners in the history of the game. Don’t let the fact that the Cowboys went to New York and beat the brakes off of the defending Super Bowl Champs in their basement 24-17, a game that wasn’t indicative of the score, fool you.

The Cowboys are a guarantee loser when it comes to playing when it counts and winning in the playoffs. As long as Ole Jerry is the Owner, President and General Manager of the team they’ll always under achieve and I don’t care how much talent they have. You have to have football people making football decisions at all times. This freaking guy is a train wreck and it WILL come off of the tracks at some point this season I guarantee it.

You can’t deny the fact that he’s a freaking genius when it comes to making money because he’s got more bread than he can count and the Cowboys keep raking it in. In 1989, he purchased the team from H.R. "Bum" Bright for $140 million and according to Forbes the team is worth more than $2 billion today. He’s sound in the kicking game alright!  He’s kicking everybody’s butt in the bread department.

However, he's a control freak that can’t get out of the way. Shortly after Jones purchased the team he pulled his first power move by firing long time head coach Tom Landry, to that point the only coach in the team's history. He then hired his old roommate from the University of Arkansas and former University of Miami head coach, Jimmy Johnson. All Jimmy did was win back to back Super Bowls in 1992 and 1993 but the following year in 1994 Jerry fired him! How does a cat get fired for winning back to back Super Bowls? By being his own man!

It gets even better bruh! He then brings in former University of Oklahoma coaching legend Barry Switzer. Within a year in 1995 the Cowboys win yet another Super Bowl but good ole Jerry got jealous of the attention that his head coach was getting so he fired him too! America’s team has been in a tail spin ever since because ole boy won’t get out of the way. They've only won one playoff game since 1995! 

So who’s to blame for this foolishness? The fans! There is no reason for Jones to change his ways because the fans keep coming to the games and supporting the team. I told you that he bought the joint for $140 million in ’89 and now it’s worth $2 billion. In his eyes that’s good business. There’s no reason for him to relinquish all of that authority because he’s still getting money.

As long as the fans keep supporting him he’ll keep doing it his way. Losing isn’t a deferent. It’s no different than the Cleveland Browns, the Oakland Raiders or the Chicago Bears and Cubs. Those teams have become perennial losers but the fan bases are rabid. Now every now and then the Bears will muster up a winning season (Super Bowl appearance in 2007) but for the most part they’re Chicago. They’re always under achieving but the fans will sell the joint out every week. It’s the same way in Cleveland and Oakland. The Dawg Pound and the Black Hole stay packed and they’ve been losing for years. Don’t even get me started on the Cubs bruh!

So if the fans would stop showing up like they were winning, then ownership would have to change the way that they do business. However, has long as boyz keep spending that bread they’ll get whatever these duns are willing to give them. It’s like a cat that cheats on his wife. As long as she’s cool with it, he’ll have 2 or 3 women on the side.  Stop me when I start lying bruh!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

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