Comin' to Grips

"If we keep our gloves on we can't help but catch the right thing!"
Sir Isaac Newton changed our understanding of the Universe by enumerating his Three Laws of Motion.  The very first law states that every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it. It is typically recognized as Galileo’s concept of inertia or simply the “Law of Inertia.” My old man called it puttin’ some heat on my butt. Whenever I was moving in the wrong direction he’d move his belt towards me in the opposite direction. No doubt about it, that joint works every time. Sir Isaac was a freaking genius!! Now that I'm a parent, I’m a strong believer in the First Law of Motion.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of people that either don’t understand it or refuse to apply it and struggle to get young folks to do what they’re supposed to do. The University of Oregon has decided to implement random drug testing of all of its athletes after an ESPN The Magazine article earlier this year estimated that between 40 and 60% of the Duck football team smoked weed. The results were based on interviews with 19 current or former players and officials.

I didn’t find the results to be alarming because at that age kids are doing everything, athletes included. However, what I did find disturbing was the current disciplinary policies that were in place that has made it easy for boyz "to" smoke weed. The student-athlete is given counseling and education after the first offense. After the second joint they have to sign a "behavior modification contract." On the third positive test they are suspended for 50% of the season. Finally, after the fourth offense a boy losses his scholarship!

Now let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! It’s a wonder Snoop and Wiz Khalifa aren’t the team captains. Cheech & Chong must be the offensive and defensive coordinators with George Clinton as the head coach. D’Angelo is the athletic director and El Debarge is the President of the freaking university. Rick James must be in the school’s Hall of Fame with rules like that in place bruh! There is no deterrent for a cat not to get high.

If boyz can operate like that and still play that’s a problem. Who do you blame, the athletes or the folks running the joint?  Somebody has to be in charge that’s why they call them kids. They do stupid things because everybody else is doing it and getting away with it, so in their minds it’s no big deal. While you’re playing, we’ve got some adults out here that still operate the same way. That’s why God had to write this joint, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.” Matthew 7:13

If there is no application of the First Law of Motion boyz will always act a fool. How do you discipline a toddler? You pop that hand every time they pick up the wrong thing or move in the wrong direction. After a while they get it. Now, will kicking cats off of the team for smoking weed stop that 40-60% from getting high. Absolutely not! However, you will lower that percentage significantly because boyz that understand that this is my shot to make something of myself will comply. The idiots that don’t care will keep getting high. Those are the duns that will be under achiever and you don’t want them around anyway.

 I can hear some clown saying, “What’s wrong with smoking weed? I do it all of the time and I have a job.” Let’s put it like this bruh! If you’re on a real job that’s paying real bread, they’re drug testing. If you WANT a real job that’s paying real bread, they’re drug testing. If you’re DREAMING of having a real job that's paying real bread, they’re drug testing. So unless you’re working that joint in your dreams you don’t have a REAL job unless you're in he entertainment business or own your business and that won't be for long.

Let’s be clear of what a REAL job is. A real job buys real food, pays real rent or mortgage, lights and gas, buys real cars that take real gas, pays for real maintenance etc, buys real clothes, pays real child support and or family support, book rental and the list goes on. So unless you’re joint can provide for all of that and more; you don’t have a real job and smoking weed won’t get you one either.

 I’ve got a buddy of mine that told me that once weed got in the way of him making real money when he first got out of college. He knew that it was time for him to stop smoking weed. That’s what these young cats need to come to grips with. Gettin' high and making money can't occupy the same space! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

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