Ain't So Common

"How bout I just wear this to ref an NFL game? I think it looks cool!"
Thomas Edison once said, “The three great essentials to achieve anything worth while are, first, hard work; second, stick to-itiveness; third, common sense.” Ralph Waldo Emerson broke it down like this, “Common sense is genius dressed in working clothes.” Thomas Jefferson gave it to us this way, “I can never fear that things will go far wrong where common sense has fair play.” Big Momma just kept it real and said, “Common sense ain’t so common!”

Well it never got on the freaking bus when it came to replacement referee Brian Stropolo. This dun was suspended by the NFL for essentially being an idiot. He gets the chance of a lifetime to become an interim NFL official because of the referee lockout and he completely flushes it down the toilet.

He’s on his Facebook page in full Saints gear expressing his allegiance to the team as a lifelong fan. Now let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Every ref in the league is a fan of some team. You can’t love football enough to become a referee and not have a favorite team. The only difference is that they’re smart enough to keep it to themselves to keep their jobs. In my Huggy Low Down voice, "Brian Stropolo, you ARE the bama of the week, week, week!"

This clown is in full Saints garb talking about how great it’s going to be to call the Saints/Carolina game on September 16th. How dumb can grown folks be? However, you see it all of the time bruh! I’m always blown away by what GROWN folks put on their Facebook and Twitter pages. By the looks of what some people put up you would think that they were extremely wealthy and would never have to work another day in their lives.

It’s amazing how reckless people are with their careers/ jobs and relationships. As long as it costs money to live you should be vanilla in what you write down. The old timers always said, “Be careful what you say because once you say it you can’t control where it goes.”

 I spend enormous amounts of time explaining the concept of common sense to my teenager because all of his friends are on Facebook and Twitter now. Unfortunately, most kids and adults aren’t mature enough to handle the responsibility of knowing what to and not to write down on the Internet. Everything is a legal document bruh! That’s why gangsta’s have always had a rule of not writing anything down. If it’s not written down you can’t prove their involvement. More folks need to adopt that philosophy.

I’ve seen way too many people lose their jobs, marriages, get kicked out of school or even killed over a post or tweet gone bad. If you don’t learn anything else today use common sense and think before you hit send. Ask yourself two important questions while you’re typing. How will this post or tweet affect me and others if I send it and most importantly, can I lose my job? If it passes the litmus test on those two, send it. If not, erase it. That’s called using common sense bruh!!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

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