Finals Pre-Game Speech

"It's put up or shut up bruh! Let's ride!"

"Gentleman, this is the day that you've dreamed of your entire lives. You can't slow it down because God will only give us the same twenty four hours today that he gave us on yesterday to enjoy it. So we must cherish this moment and take full advantage of the opportunity while it's in front of us.

You've dreamed of playing in the Finals since the day you picked up a basketball. Now God has chosen you out of the millions of cats that started on this journey with you. There have been others that have  possessed far more talent, more athletic ability, more style and charisma; Well maybe not! After all, you are the best players on the planet and you're here for a reason! You shouldn't be surprised by that because have been telling you how great you were since 6th grade.

You have been predestined to run out of this locker room to show that world that you are the best players alive. Now that you're here, what are you going to do with the opportunity? It's not just enough to show up, to bring your camera or recorder and soak it all in. You're not here to have a vacation. It's business as usual! So fella's, I ask you, what are you prepared to do with this opportunity?

I've always told you that championships are not won of game day; that they are the culmination of events. This championship was won during the off season when the other teams were having a good time and you were putting in work. When everyone practiced for two hours and went home and you stayed and shot 100 more times everyday and you were dedicated to working on your inadequacies. It was won when everyone was asleep and you got up at 5am to run 5 miles daily.

The trophy was being engraved when you decided that you weren't going to let others tell you what you couldn't accomplish. Your ring was sized the day you cut off friends that weren't going in the same direction that you were going way back in middle school. The banner was immortalized in the rafters the day that you bought into our mission. Every diamond in the setting of that ring represents the sweat that you put in to get to this moment.

The elite few that can unlock the combination will become Champions! Bo Schembechler always said, “Those that stay will become Champions!” Vince Lombardi expressed it this way, “We will relentlessly pursue perfection. However, it’s impossible to be perfect but in the process we will find excellence!” Aristotle said it better than any of them when he recited, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.”

So as a result fella's, this best of 7 series is just a matter of formality. It's just another part of what we have to do to unlock the door to becoming a Champion.

Who's got the intestinal fortitude to play every game like it's your last to decide this thing? In so many cases they say, We don't have to be the best team, we just have to be the best team for 48 minutes. Well, that's not true in this case! It's the NBA Playoffs and this is the Finals! The best team always wins it all. There are no surprises here bruh! You can't luck up and become a champion at this level. It's just that simple because nothing has changed. The court is the same 50' in width and 88' in length that it was last week. The goal is still 10' off of the ground. The refs are still the same guys from footlocker and you're still the greatest players on earth. If you can remember that when you run out of this locker room, you'll return four times as winners and will have the honor of being called a Champion!

However, if you allow the moment to get too big, you'll fail miserably and  no one is going to care that you're depressed as a result of it. If you allow the fans to dictate policy on the road you'll be humbled like never before. So how do you want to handle this? Because until your desire to become a Champion becomes as stronger as your desire to breath. You'll never become a Champion! It's now in your hands playboy. What are you willing to do with it?  Let's ride!"

Holla At Ya Boy!
Coach Jay Graves
Follow me on Twitter: @jayygravesreport
Champions are made not born! Jay Graves

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