"It's The Playoffs Bruh!"

Derrick Rose helped off of the floor after tearing his ACL.
Just last week I wrote a Hot Joint entitled "Welcome to Sports 101" that essentially explained to sports fans that in order to enjoy watching your favorite team you have to take your heart out of it. Don't get so emotionally involved that you can't see what's really going on. I used the Chicago fan base as my clinical study because in my opinion they are the most delusional fan base in all of sports.

On Saturday with 1:22 left in game 1 of the Chicago Bulls playoff win over the Philadelphia 76'rs 103-91. MVP and all everything point guard Derrick Rose tore his ACL during a non-contact move. Sadly he'll miss the remainder of the playoffs. It's very unfortunate that his season has to end this way. He's battled a plethora of injuries all season long and is now in the studio working on the remix of Khia's "My neck My Back!" Now the Bulls have to go on without him.

First of all, as soon as he went down I tweeted, "The way it buckled it looks like he tore his ACL!" I'd be surprised if it's not torn. Let's hope for the best!" Immediately, my Twitter account went crazy with Bulls fans calling me a hater. I responded, "First of all, I've been around sports my entire life and I've got a degree in Sports Science. I've seen 100's of them and they'll have to wait on the MRI!" They(Chicago fans) continued to respond, "He's putting weight on it so he'll be fine you're just a hater. Not five minutes later NBA trainers across the league begin to say the same thing I just said. Then the news hits the air waves that it was in fact a torn ACL but I'm a hater!

These cats are like the girl friend that's being cheated on and all of her girls are telling her that they keep seeing her man creep around town with other women. Instead of her taking the approach of listening to them and then investigating. She fights every one of them until she has no more friends left and then her man finally tells her that he's got another chick and wants out. C'mon bruh!

After it was confirmed that the ACL was in fact torn I tweeted, "Boston is foaming at the mouth right now because they can handle Chicago without Rose early in the playoffs! They're old but it's early!" All of the Chicago delusional girlfriends went crazy again! This time they took the high heels, the ear rings and jewelry off and put the Vaseline on! I'm glad my ride wasn't parked outside because they would have keyed that bad boy up. Boyz or should I say irrational cheated on girlfriends were hot at me spitting all kinds of venom!

Then later on Saturday evening  ESPN NBA's Chris Broussard said exactly what I said four hours earlier! The icing was put on the cake when NBA Hall of Famer and 5 time NBA champion Magic Johnson said, " It's over for the Bulls! It's the playoffs brother! They got no chance without Derrick Rose!" Broussard and others tried to imply that they were 18-9 without him during the regular season. Magic shut it down quickly by saying, "It's the playoffs brother!" It's a whole different animal in the playoffs! CJ Watson and John Lucas aren't going to surprise anybody in the PLAYOFFS!"

They say I'm a hater like somehow I won't be welcomed in the wild 100's or like I can't slide out west to K-Town! I'm from GI (Gary, In.)! I've got no reason to hate on the Chi! I not only cut my corporate teeth in the Windy City selling pagers on the south side from 55th to 130th from the lake to Halsted, I'm from the area. Ya'll already know who owned all of the pager stores in the hood in the early to mid '90's too. I grew up with Chicago radio, TV and all of it's influences. Ya'll don't know nothing about WBMX Radio Oak Park Chicago or Bob Wall getting yanked off of  the air live on WGCI for playing the explicit verson of Prince's Erotic City during the morning drive! What do you know about the greatest hot dogs in the world from Jew town? Ya'll don't know nothing about George's Music Room! Can you feel me on Harold's Chicken or Moo and Oink bruh? Stepping on Friday nights or listening to house music rolling down Stoney Island at 3am trying to find something to get into. What ya'll know about watching Bozo's Circus after school on WGN? I wanted bucket #6 like everybody else.

I'm authentic GI but you can't be GI without being Chi too. I just tell it the way Big Momma would always say, "Like it sho nuff T.I.S.!" Got boyz out here screamin' "The Chi" and ain't never been to the Chi. If I dropped you off on 62nd and State you couldn't survive but I could, even in my suit! A lot of these cats just jumped on the bandwagon cuz they're winning now. Where were you when they broke up the team after the '96 title and they wandered in the desert like the Children of Israel for 13 years? Holla At Ya Boy on that bruh when they were drafting guards every year. I'm family so I can say what's real. You know how family can talk about the "mess up" but those outside of the family better not say a word? It's like that bruh!

It blows my mind that I can say the same things that all of the so-called experts say even before they say it. However, when it comes out of their mouths it a legitimate statement but when I say it I'm a hater. Now do I have to be on ESPN in order to be validated? Absolutely not! I just have to talk to reasonable sports fans. All of those guys on TV are simply giving their opinions of what's going on just like you and I. Nobody is a prophet and can tell you with 100% certainty what's really going to happen so don't be a sucker and think that just because a cat is on TV he knows more than anybody else. That's as silly as making the "I read it in a book so it's got to be true" statement. Maniac's write books too!

Michael Jordan was the greatest player to ever lace them up bruh and he's sitting next to you and I watching the playoffs too. Why? Cause it's the playoffs bruh and he didn't know how to assemble a team and you have to be good enough and lucky enough to make it through! So like I said earlier, Chicago's got no chance without Derrick Rose!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Follow me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

1 comment:

  1. Jay you just went all the way home in this one. But I feel you...anyone how has ever played sports and been up close to the action knows what a season ending(back in our day career ending) knee buckle looks like. I know you are all the way GI...and I know them Bulls have a special place in your heart. But it hurts when u tell the truth. I took it personal when u posted that facebook status that our championship hopes were over. Once again Bruh....u right, and I'm kinda that fan. Ima have to check myself from here on out!----Jerrell W.


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