Check Mate!

Deion posted this picture of he and his kids filing a police report after the assault. 
The most important thing you need to know about the game of chess is that you always have to anticipate your opponents next move. As a matter of fact, you need to be two or three steps ahead of the game in order to be successful at playing it. My man Deion Sanders proved on Monday night that he was in fact a great chess player!

He was reportedly attacked in his Prosper, Texas home by his estranged wife Pilar Sanders and her girlfriend. Deion filed for divorce back in December of last year however the two have remained in the home. Both refusing to leave the joint so you know it's gotten ugly bruh. 

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes first! Pilar wants that money and pretty much doesn't plan on leaving without it. However, she ran into a real G that saw her coming a mile away and had her sign a prenuptial  agreement before they married. According to The Insider's Kevin Frazier the joint is air tight. So she'll only get X number of dollars when she leaves. 

Boyz are blasting Deion all over the radio and TV about getting beat up by his wife and yeah it's funny but Deion is about his paper. Tom Joyner and all of the affiliated comedians were killing him yesterday calling him everything. They need to call him Yogi because he's smarter than the average bear! Shortly after the alleged assault he posted this on his Tweeter account:

Gangsta move bruh! By posting this information online he makes Pilar look evil and when they go to court to fight for custody of the children guess what's going to pop up! Even if the prenuptial is air tight she still would be entitled to child support. However, if she's painted in the court as being dangerous and the kids are fearful for their safety guess who gets custody of the children and guess who doesn't get child support? Straight gangsta move. 

A magistrate judge ordered Pilar Tuesday to stay away from their home for 60 days. The judge also barred her from threatening or harassing her husband, KTVT-TV reported.

On Tuesday morning "Prime Time" posted this on his Tweeter account,  "Joy came this morning and we opened the door and let Joy in." Ya'll can clown him all you want bruh but he's playing chess with his kids money and reputation. Don't think for one minute ole boy couldn't have made both of those broads tap out. Let's keep it real he's a Hall of Fame football player that's taken and given much hard hits than that in his sleep. However, had he jumped on them that he'd still be in jail, be fired from NFL Network, lost all endorsements and would have been ridiculed for being a wife beater. C'mon bruh he got more sense than that!

So if he had to take a two piece and a biscuit from Pilar and her girl to keep his life, kids and money then all the real men out here can respect him for that. Now I believe 100% in the sanctity of married and it's unfortunate that his didn't work out but violence is not the answer to any situation bruh!  Check Mate!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Follow me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Information from the Associated Press was used in this article. 

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