"The Real Disabled Quarterback!"

"I've had to overcome my inability to run!"
When a person is or becomes deficient in one area God blesses them in others to make up for the loss. For example, people that are blind become extremely gifted in other senses like smelling and hearing. So whenever a person lacks something they are overly blessed in other area’s in order to balance the equation if you will.

Tim Tebow is a perfect example of that balanced equation. Yes, his mechanics are awful when throwing the football. His ability to drop back in the pocket and throw the football down field sucks and his completion percentage is terrible. However, his ability to lead his team is astronomical. There is no debating his ability to win when it counts. They used to call that being clutch but now they just refer to it as Tebow!

Even after this kid has led the Denver Bronco's out of the depths of despair of an early 1-4 start to now being 9-8 and being only two games from the Super Bowl. The experts are still comparing him to Tom Brady, Drew Brees and guys like Peyton Manning.

Let me take you to school real quick bruh. Like I said earlier, when you are deficient in one area God blesses you in others in order to compensate. Guys like Brady, Brees and Manning are deficient in their ability to move in the pocket. Therefore, defenses understand that they aren't much of a threat to scramble. With that being said, they can zone in on their assignments and play the pass first. Therefore, the windows that they have to throw into are naturally going to be smaller.

Those windows have been that small since they started playing little league ball because they've never had the ability to move in the pocket. Therefore, these guys have been forced over the years to become extremely accurate passers because they've always had smaller windows to throw into.

Tebow's windows however, have never been as small because he plays on the fly and isn't afraid of contact so you have to account for that defensively. While playing against Tebow you can't just line up and pin your ears back on one assignment because there is always the slight possibility that he'll throw it or just run it.

With that threat always looming his windows are a lot larger than your traditional pocket passer. We saw that last week against the Steelers. The best safety in the game, Troy Polamalu, was confused all night, along with the other Pittsburgh defensive backs. As a result, he threw for 316 yards on only 10 completions without being a very accurate.

That's the difference between Tebow and the traditional quarterback. So it's completely asinine to compare the two because defenses have to play them differently. Brady for example, is throwing into a 12" window every time because boyz know he isn't a threat to run it and Tebow is throwing into a 110" window because he is. It's like Kobe shooting into a regular basket playing against a guy that is shooting into a basketball that's eight times bigger. He doesn't have to be a better shooter than Kobe to beat him.

If the window is always bigger he doesn't have to be as accurate! The fact that he's 6'3" 236lbs makes it easier for him to take off and run because he's delivering more punishment to corners and safeties than they are to him. Michael Vick is listed at 6'0" 215 but that's being generous. He's more like 5'11" 190lbs and he can't take the contact like Tebow can. He's broken more ribs than he's got bruh. I heard that he was about to ask his woman for the rib back that God made her out of if this keeps up. Therefore, he's got to be able to throw it better as well.

So in my Snoop Dogg Gin and Juice voice, "Back up off of him and sit your cup down!" Like I said before you look stupid trying to defend your argument the more he wins. I know I hit the so-called experts in the dome with this one but that's what I do bruh! If I don't make you think there's no point in hollerin' Ya Boy, right?

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Hit me up on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
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Information in this article was taken out of the brain of Ya Boy!


  1. Good one....... You posting them, I'll keep reading them. You might make it big one day. LOL !!!! "Til the world blow up"

  2. Great read. I agree with that assesment. I realize that Vick is a great rusher, but the only issue with Vick right now is age along with his weigh/height. Michaeal Vick is not built for toughness, not in the sense of a Tim Tebow, now let's not forget that Tebow has the determination and spirit of a linebacker. He is not afraid to hit or be hit. Vick had that coming into the league, but as Tebow gets older, his passion for running the ball will tame itself because he will not want to take that punishment. Great brutal runner that he is. I know he will continue to do great things, because he believes in him and accepts the role he has been given.


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