Foul Balls!

"I see you watchin' me but I ain't goin' nowhere without my $28 million!"
After the Colts fired Vice Chairman Bill Polian and his son General Manager Chris a couple of weeks ago the writing was tagged on the wall like it was gang affiliated. A new General Manager in Ryan Gigson hired last week screamed that Jim Caldwell would be on his way out too. Sure enough he was let go on Tuesday. 

The fact that Caldwell wasn't retained isn't a surprise because the team has a new GM. It only makes sense that he would want to bring his own guy in whoever that may be. Keep in mind that Grigson is only 39 years old and wants to make a splash in his first position as a general manager. So I completely understand why Caldwell wasn't retained under the circumstances.

What I'm trippin' off of however, is how they hung ole boy out to dry for a week. C'mon Man! Grigson knew that he wasn't going to keep Caldwell when he took the job. Blind Melly Jelly could see that bruh! Where's Bubba when you need him? "I want my daddy's records!" So why not announce it up front so Caldwell could have gotten in on some of the coordinator jobs that were available a week ago. Foul ball bruh!

Then Grigson stands up at the press conference and pulls a song and dance on us like we we're brand new to the game. He's saying how great a guy Caldwell was and how difficult a decision it was to fire him. C'mon bruh, you just met the guy! I was born at night, not last night! Don't try to act like it was Cooley High, "It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday" up in this joint. You accepted the GM's job so handle it like a GM! If he wasn't your guy just say it! We all understand that it's never personal and that it's all business.

The next foul ball that broke the neighbors window was the fact that Grigson spoke with Caldwell for what he says was seven hours! C'mon bruh! You've got to talk to the guy for seven hours to figure out that you don't want him? You knew that he wasn't your guy when you interviewed for your job!

Then he has Caldwell sit in on Steve Spagnuolo’s interview for the defensive coordinators job. Now if Caldwell is helping to interview the defensive coordinator, his job in his mind is safe, right? Wrong! How many foul balls is that bruh? That‘s gotta be worth at least three for the level of foulness, if that‘s even a word! I wouldn’t be surprised if Spags is introduced as the Colts next head coach! I’m just sayin’! It makes no sense to interview a coordinator when you’re about to fire your head coach! Unless he’s pulling a Jerry Jones and we all know how that worked out.

Now that the head coach is gone what happens to the assistants and most importantly the “Golden Child” Peyton Manning? I told you that he wasn’t going to play in August and have been saying that he needs to be traded or cut since the news broke of the first surgery.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, which ever comes first! If you’ve gotten rid of the Vice Chairman, the GM and the head coach combined with the fact that you’ve got the first pick in the draft. It only makes sense to get rid of a $28 million liability that‘s one missed assignment away from ending his career. Peyton is due $28 million just for being on the roster in March. I say cut him now and put that bread on the defensive side of the ball and keep it moving.

I know that Grigson is new to all of this but they’re paying him to make big boy decisions to go along with that big boy salary. Don’t come in running game bruh! The fans in Indy saw the street corner hustling’ of the Colts organization back in August when they weren’t honest about Peyton’s injury. Don’t roll the dice again by being dishonest because folks can easily start driving to Chicago or Cincinnati to watch football. So stop hitting foul balls and breaking the neighbors windows because at some point it‘s going to hit my joint!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
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1 comment:

  1. Great article! Yea something stinks on 56th street!! There are some real issues inside the organization. He couldn't give straight answers which I have an issue with. I'm with you if you didn't want him just say it!!


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