
"The New and Improved BBD!"
In 1990 Bell Biv Devoe, which was a spin-off group from the world famous New Edition, released a hot joint called Poison! It was one of the hottest songs of the year selling 4 million records and therefore becoming certified platinum four times. It was about not getting into a relationship with a certain type of girl because it can be poison. Well...21 years later Penn State is now that girl!

Every since the child sex abuse scandal broke a couple of months ago the school has been straight up poison. They're losing all of their big time recruits and nobody wants to coach the Nittany Lions with good reason. Tennessee Titans head coach Mike Munchek who is a Penn State alumn says that he has no plans to leave the Titans to coach his Alma Mater.

"You all know Penn State means a lot to me. I obviously went to school there and I'm real concerned for what they've gone through the last couple of months. I'm flattered that people think I'd be a great fit for the coach there," Munchak said Wednesday after practice. They have not contacted me in any way or talked to me about the possibility of working there. I have not reached out to them. I have a job that I enjoy quite a bit."

Let me interpret what Mike was really saying. He was just singing the original song, "You can't trust a big butt and a smile that girl is poison!” No way he’s leaving a comfortable situation to take on the tress of rebuildig a program that’s in shambles right now. There isn't a kid in America with options that would go anywhere near Happy Valley at this point. Whoever takes that job already understands that it will be a battle on the recruiting trail that he'll lose just about 100% of the time.

If I'm an opposing coach going into the living room of a kid that is even considering Penn State. I'll just bring up the scandal. Parents don't want to send their kid to an institution where there was a massive cover up of sexual child abuse. The problem wasn't just some idiot operating on his own. Everybody in the program knew what was going on. From the AD down to assistant coaches, janitors and God knows who else knew what was happening. That place is poison for real.

They're going to have to gut the joint in order to start over. There can't be a remnant of anybody from the last administration, coaches included, even living near campus for me to feel comfortable sending my kid up there athlete or not.

Man for the next 2 to 3 years the Nittany Lions are going to look like the "Wildcats" with Goldie Hawn coaching. As a matter of fact, they should give her a call because this joint is something straight out of a movie. Are you kidding me?

If a kid does decide to go to Penn State it’ll be because he didn't have any other major offers. His choices were Indiana University of Pennsylvania., The Boys School of Transylvania and Penn State. When they take the field they're going to look like the Australian Camel Jockey Team. I mean it's gonna be a complete joke bruh!

I just hate that the current players had to go through all of this foolishness because they actually have a good team. They're ranked # 22 in the BCS and will face #20Houston in the TicketCity Bowl in Dallas on Jan 2nd. Nittany Lions fans better cheer like this is the national title game because they've got a long road ahead of them.

I can just picture recruits riding past Penn State right now with the tinted windows pulled half way down bumpin' that Poison! The Penn State coaching staff is in the middle of the street looking like the guy at the stop light with the squeegee trying to clean your windows. They’re saying, “C'mon man just let me holla at you real quick” as the recruit peels off on his way to Ohio State or Michigan for their official visits!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Follow Ya Boy on Twitter:@jaygravesreport
Information from the Associated Press was used in this article.

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