"The Sound of a Hater"

"Who me?"
I'll always be the first in line to criticize Notre Dame Football for being the most delusional program in sports. It's because they just can't accept that they're no longer Beyonce' and are more like Aretha Franklin than anything. A living legend that had mad skills back in the day but time has past you by. You think that you're still fine, relevant and all the guys want you but they've been on to something else for decades. Like JayZ, one thing I can't knock is their hustle but UConn women's basketball coach Geno Auriemma did on Thursday. He's upset that the conference is going through changes with realignments and major departures etc.

"They've been in our league 17 years, so how long are we going to date before we just decide this ain't working. And I'm not happy about it," Auriemma said at the conference's annual women's basketball media day Thursday. "That's not the opinion of the University of Connecticut, the Big East Conference. ... That's just Geno Auriemma's opinion."

"If Notre Dame had come in as a football and basketball school when they came in, we wouldn't have a problem. Miami wouldn't have left. Virginia Tech wouldn't have left. Boston College wouldn't have left. We probably wouldn't have any of these issues, would we?" Auriemma said.

"We've got one school that holds the future of our league in the palm of their hand and they're not really that concerned about it," Auriemma said. "They're looking out for their best interest and I don't blame them. But join us in football and then look out for your best interest. I applaud that. Every school has a right to do that. I just don't like the way we've gone about it."

What? C’mon Man! Did somebody slip something in his drink? Notre Dame is looking out for Notre Dame. They aren't concerned about what the Big East is doing or what happens to it in the future because their other sports aren't relevant. It wouldn't matter to them if the Big East imploded or not. They can always up and move. It's like the family living on Section 8 in the hood. They could care less about the property. They'll tear up the joint and move because there's always a spot available that the government will pay for. The name of the street and the bus that they ride can always change.

If UConn had the power that Notre Dame had with it’s women's basketball program to cut an exclusive deal with NBC they'd do it too. Like the Irish or not they've got mad juice and they're working it. I still say that all that power has become a hindrance to the program's ability to win but they've seemed to have sold their soul to the devil a long time ago. They could actually make more money being in the conference than out of it. Like Malcolm X once said, “They’ve been hood winked and bamboozled,”

They could win more games, have the opportunity to go to a BCS Bowl annually($17 million purse with the invite alone), become relevant again and get better players if they joined the Big East. The level of competition is so weak that they could win it seemingly ever year. Being an independent hurts them because they have to win 10 or 11 games every year just to get to the BCS and currently that's tough.

Unless they make it to the national title game every year the players can't otherwise win a championship because they aren't in a conference. Even with all that being said, you can't hate on them for holding on to the cut baby.

Geno knows that but he's pouting because even with the success of his program he still doesn't have the juice that an irrelevant Notre Dame Football program still has. So let’s keeping real, he doesn’t care about the Big East, he’s only concerned about the future of UConn Women’s Basketball just like Notre Dame is about Notre Dame.  With that being said, in my Memphis voice, "Sounds like a hater maine!"

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Information from the Associated Press was used in this article.

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