Thought Leaders!

"Hey man, let me do my job!"
There are different levels of expertise in every profession. However, those that typically make the most money or at least generate the most revenue are what those in the industry would call a thought leader. They've come up through the ranks and seem to have a knowledge of the profession that most people just can't seem to grasp. That's why they end up in a leadership role within the organization.

With that being said, why would John Fox, the head coach of the Denver Bronco's listen to the fans in making the decision on who'll start at quarterback on his team? Let's really step back for a moment. He's the head coach of a several hundred million dollar organization that’s paid to win football games and he should listen to the fans, who are drunk I might add, when putting together his depth chart?  Now most people may not look at him as a thought leader but anyone coaching in the NFL is a leader in the industry.

The faithful in Denver want Tim Tebow to be their starting quarterback as opposed to Kyle Orton. During Sunday's game they began to chant T-E-B-O-W in hopes that Fox would make the change.

That's like Steve Jobs, former head of Apple, showing up at a frat house on Sunday morning at 3am during the height of the foolishness to get advice on which products in the pipeline should be launched next and how to market them. Fan is short for fanatic remember that! The more I talk sports with folks the more I realize that most people in the world know absolutely nothing about it. Everybody watches it but very few understand it.

If you don't believe me just turn on your local sports radio show today or read the local newspaper's editorial sports section and pay attention. You'll find more often than not, that both the host and the writer don't have a clue and the people calling into the shows sound like they're from Mars.

The local host and columnist are normally complete homer’s that will never have a realistic view of what's really going on with their team and the fans are even worse. Now Fox and the Denver organization get paid to evaluate players and their ability to play the game but you want them to listen to Craig, who by the way drives a truck for a living, on who should be the starter. Maybe they should listen to Roger that works as an engineer in the auto industry because he's a problem solver. Yeah that makes sense!

"Hey, I'll play when they think I'm ready!"
I even heard a well known columnist on a national show the other day say that Denver needs to put Tebow on the field just to prove to the fans that he isn't ready. What? Now the Bronco's are in the "I told you so” business? If Tebow isn't ready to take over just yet then he isn't ready. It really is just that simple. Obviously the coaches see something that is keeping him on the sidelines otherwise he'd being starting because they drafted him in the first round. He's third on the depth chart for crying out loud!

Just let John Fox do what he’s paid to do. I think it’s disrespectful to show up on someone’s job and tell them how to do it. How would you like it if someone showed up today at your place of employment and told you that you were wrapping the burger’s wrong and that the shakes should be churned to the left instead of the right? That would completely aggravate you wouldn’t it? Have some respect for the man’s ability to coach the team. If he can’t get the job down the owners will find another thought leader.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Twitter: @jaygravesreport

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