Dear Momma

"I love you momma in spit of you!"
It doesn't matter how much money or success an individual has they can't escape the realities of family issues.  Gloria James, the mother of Miami Heat basketball star LeBron James, was arrested by Miami Beach police after she reportedly assaulted a valet worker because it was taking too long to have her car delivered. Police said LeBron's mother had a strong odor of alcohol on her breath and her eyes were bloodshot when officers arrived at the Fontainebleau Hotel at about 4:47 a.m. ET Thursday.
Unfortunately, Lebron had to answer questions about the incident before practice on Thursday afternoon.
"It's very sensitive because it's your mother, of course," LeBron James said Thursday after practice. "People around me are helping me, helping her."

We can't blast King James about his mother's behavior because he has no control over how his mom acts. He's been dealing with her ridiculous behavior all of his life. It's something that he has grown to expect to some degree. The Fifth Commandment says to honor your mother and your father. It doesn't say only if they've got sense. It's written without condition because it comes down to a matter of faith. That's the reality for so many people not just for Lebron.

I can remember guys that played ball with me that had dads that were alcoholics, we called them "jiks" back then, that wouldn't miss a game or practice for that matter. They would show up to the field loud and drunk, stumbling around every week. Hollering, "that's my boy out there" or something belligerent that I care not to repeat. Everyone knew that it was "Mr So and So" and kept playing. I know that they were embarrassed but hey, it was their old man and we didn't hold it against them. We loved them anyway.

"Ma, I got this!"
I've got to believe that LeBron is getting the same type of support from his teammates and close friends. You can't pick your parents so you've got to be strong and responsible for them too. Many times God places things in your lap to make you more accountable.

Say what you want about LeBron but he's mature beyond his years because of what he's had to endure as a child having irresponsible parents. I applaud the brother for the way he's handled himself since he's entered the league. You've never heard of him getting into trouble or being an idiot etc. This guy didn't have the role models at home that many of us had. The only time he's been criticized in his eight year career was for the so called "Decision" that in my opinion was pure genius, but that's for another discussion. If that's all you can beat him up for then you've got to give him a pass.
For a kid that has pretty much raised himself he's done extremely well. God has blessed him to be able to look after his mother because she unfortunately, can't look out for herself.

We all have family members that have made some mistakes along the way. However, we don't love them any less because of those indiscretions and LeBron is no different.  I believe that he and his mother will get through this situation and will be stronger as result of it.

Jay Graves
 Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Information from the Associated Press was used in this Article.

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