Super Bowl Etiquette: "For Ballers Only"

If you can afford this joint you can go!
Yesterday I wrote a piece entitled "Super Bowl Knuckle Heads". Well, I want to talk about the other set of Super Bowl knuckle heads that won't get arrested or get into trouble, they'll just be irrelevant. They are the young men that don't understand the proper etiquette for attending a major event, Super Bowl, NBA All-Star Game or major Las Vegas fight (Mayweather etc). Take notes fellas if your planning to go the Super Bowl this week or the NBA All-Star Game in a few weeks.

If you aren't ballin' out of control, that means making major paper. You need to stay at home.  Events like these aren't for you. They are exclusively for guys that have big money(millionaires) and gorgeous women and here's why. Many of the ladies(groupies) that show up to these events are trying to get chosen. Now most of them don't have a dime but women don't have to have any money, they just have to be fine. Unfortunately, young ball players and entertainers have a fetish for beautiful women. So the ladies can come to Dallas broke this weekend and they'll be OK. Hey, I didn't write the rules, I'm just giving you the information before you go down there and make a fool out of yourself. Stay at home!!!

You can afford one of these?  Come on.
It's going to be celebrities all over Dallas with more money than you can count and they're going to be spending it as fast as the speed of sound. In every club and restaurant the money will be loose and so will the women if you got the right type of paper. Now how silly will you look when the cover for the party is $300.00 each and you've budgeted $1000.00 for the entire week. This isn't a trip for people on budgets.

Groupies will be expecting for some millionaire to pay for them and their girls to get into the club ($300.00 each to get in, not to mention food and drinks all night) and you think you've got a shot? Not a chance my man. You and your boys will be standing out front kicking rocks.

You can't compete in a room full of multimillionaires(pro athletes and entertainers) and you've got a job, albeit a good job because you were able to get the week off and buy a plane ticket to Dallas, Right? You've got a 401K, a savings account and you even drive a Mercedes. Heck, you got a promotion last week that put over the $100K mark. Around your way you've got big money but not in Dallas, this week. You better reschedule your trip for sometime in mid April. Now you can run down there if you won't to! You're going to get embarrassed pulling up in that E550. You might even see your own girlfriend down there under somebody's arm. I'm just sayin' bruh!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Hit me up on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

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