Pocket Farts (The REAL reason Jason Kidd is making a complete fool of himself)

"La La La La La La! I can't hear you! La La La La!"
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “People only see what they are prepared to see.” Ed Bradley, the famous journalist best known for his work on 60 Minutes, gave it to us like this, “Be prepared, work hard, and hope for a little luck. Recognize that the harder you work and the better prepared you are, the more luck you might have.” Then Louis Pasteur, the French chemist and microbiologist, shut the building down with, “Fortune favors the prepared mind.”

Well somebody should have told ole dull Jason Kidd that before he jumped head first into the Brooklyn Nets head coaching position. Now this time last year he was still playing for the Knicks. Now he’s making a complete fool of himself trying to coach all of his boys. The Nets are 7-14 at this point and getting worse by the minute because this dun is pulling capers by the day.

We all saw the foolishness of the cup spill a couple of weeks ago. Then he cursed out and benched Lawrence Frank, the one cat that he brought in to lean on because he knows more about coaching the freakin’ game than he does. How does a boy curse the dun out and tell him not to come to practice anymore that has forgotten more about coaching than Kidd even knows? I’ll tell you how playboy. Because he let his ego climb out of his pocket and fart on his shirt!

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Not only did he not have an ounce of head coaching experience. He didn’t have an ounce of coaching experience at all, at any level. Here goes my roof top screamer throwing his two cents in, “Man what you are talking about bruh? Mark Jackson didn’t have any head coaching experience when he took over at Golden State! You just be talkin’!”

Listen you freakin’ idiot! You’re exactly right! He didn’t have any head coaching experience. However, he didn’t pull off his jock on Monday and start coaching on Wednesday. He retired in 2004 and worked as an analyst until 2011 bruh. He was able to see the game from an entirely different perspective and gain a better understanding of it before diving in. Not only that, he’s old enough to be the guys he’s coaching dad and he acts like it.

Now Kidd is 40 but he’s still one of the fellas. He’s the dad that’s still rockin’ the flat bib, the new jersey and the retro 1018’s to match. He’s the dad that’s still standing in line waiting for the new sneakers and the PlayStation to come out. He’s the dad that’s smoking weed with his teenage son and his buddies. He’s the quote unquote cool dad that all of the kids love and all of the other dads are laughing at.

On some real talk, he was just kickin’ it with all of the duns that he’s coaching right now. He was just on a road trip with most of these cats or cats just like them this time last year. They’re still talking about the episodes and foolishness that they’ve been involved in or those that they are still involved in bruh. He's the freakin' substitute teacher for crying out load.

Think about the cup spilling incident. No way would an experienced coach with the proper relationship with his players ask a boy to bump into him to make a mess to stop the game. That was some old Three Stooges type foolishness. Based on the simple fact that he’s one of the fellas he could ask a boy to do that. They all laughed about it in the locker room until the Bat phone rang and the commissioner was like, “Listen here playboy, Ima need 50 stacks for that ignorance out there tonight.”

There has to be a definitive line of separation between coach and player just like father and son. It's like when father and son both smoke weed. As long as they don't smoke together the line is still drawn. However, the day that they start smoking together they become boyz. That's Jason Kidd right now bruh.

You know all of the other coaches are laughing at him because he tried to short change the system of paying dues first. He took an old school cut in the line and now he’s getting a rotten apple instead of candy for Halloween. Think about all of the boyz that had to put in work as an assistant first for years before they got a job like Brian Shaw and a host of others. Patrick Ewing and duns like Nick Van Exel are still waiting in line! Yeah boyz are enjoying the foolishness that is Jason Kidd right now, believe that.

I thought that it was smart of him to hire Lawrence Frank to come alongside of him because he knew nothing about what he was getting himself into. Then the one cat that is trying to keep him from taking the propofol gets cursed out and reassigned to filing reports. Are you kidding me? It’s bananas to say the least! Just because you played the game of basketball doesn’t mean that you can coach it. Coaching at the NBA level has more to do with managing people and egos than X’s and O’s bruh. That’s why Phil Jackson was the best that ever did it. He managed egos and allowed his staff to “help” him coach.

Jason Kidd is letting the pocket fart coach for him and it’s killin’ him! That dun won’t last two years playa. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
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The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!  

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