"Cold Blooded" Cowboys 28 Bears 45 (Why Bears fans would sit in below zero temps when TV's work!)

"Lawd!!!! It's cold out here bruh!"
I stopped to get gas on 95th and Stony Island before the game last night and these cats were standing around debating cold. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow said, “Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad.” Then Ralph Waldo Emerson took a squig of whatever was in the brown bag and said, “Death comes to all, but great achievements build a monument which shall endure until the sun grows cold.” Then Emily Dickerson shut the joint down with, “If I read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can ever warm me, I know that is poetry.”

Well…I don’t know about that book but I do know that what the Bears put on the Cowboys on Monday Night was straight up poetry playboy! As a matter of fact, it was classic hip hop! You would have thought that the Bears were some ole Wu Tang Clan, Das EFX or the Leaders of the New School the way they sprinted through the dull Dallas Cowboys 45-28.

On some real talk, the Bears have always been known for their defense but maybe they are the Leaders of the New School now with this sudden burst of offensive power. Or was it the dull Cowboys just having the worst defense in the league? How in the world does the backup quarterback go to work on boyz like that? Josh McCown put up 348 yards and 4 touchdowns in single digit temperature with a wind chill below zero?

Jerry Jones should be ashamed of himself for even putting that product on the field every week bruh. Now let’s keep it real of all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! The freakin’ Dallas Cowboys fan are the real suckas though. As much as they underachieve year in and year out these duns keep ridin’ with them and keep paying Jerry to hustle them. Foolishness I say! Straight foolishness!!

The Bears jumped on them like they were breaking into Big Momma’s house on the south side from the word go. They scored on their first 8 possessions! Who does that? By the time the punter had to punt his foot was frost bitten. They had to take that fool in the locker room and thaw his foot out first.

Speaking of the cold weather, how much oil or lighter fluid does a boy have to drink to be crazy enough to sit outside for 3 and a half hours in a below zero wind chill? Explain that one to me bruh?

I talked to my boy Pacman as he was on his way to the game last night. This dun had on like 7 layers of clothes and if you pushed him down he wouldn’t have been able to get up because he was as stiff as a board. I just hope that he had on a diaper because no way would he have been able to undress in time to keep from smelling like lil’ Mook Mook or lil’ Firearm in the projects for the rest of the night.

Stop it! Y’all know I’m tellin’ the truth! We all have run into to the kid that’s just under 2 years old with an necklace and both ears pierced, rockin’ the flat bib with some brand new Jordan’s on and he’s still in a diaper that nobody seems to realize is 15 pounds at this point looking like a drug dealer in training. Stop me when I start lyin’!

But you gotta give cats like Pacman and other Bears fans big props for loving their team so much that they'll risk losing a finger to see those duns play!

With this win the Bears get right back into the thick of things in the playoff race. They grab a share of the NFC North lead with Detroit even though they’ve lost joints head-to-head to them already this season. Coming off of consecutive losses they needed this win for confidence building to say the least. It’s gonna be fun to see how this all plays out playboy! However, unless I’m in somebody’s press box, I’ll be at the crib watching these joints because my limit for sitting outside is 50 degrees pimpin!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
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The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!


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