All Business Ain't Street Business!

"Hey man have you seen my brother Greg McElroy around here?"

One of the first things your mother teaches you before you go to kindergarten is that no one likes a tattle tale. By the time you're in 6th grade you figure out that snitches get stitches! As you mature in life they even made a commercial about it, "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!" Hood protocol says, “I didn‘t see nothing!” or the classic response, “ Man I wasn‘t even at home!”

So how is it that New York Jets 3rd team quarterback Greg McElroy has made it this far in life without understanding the ground rules of the game of life? Now I realize that he had a privileged upbringing because his dad works in the front office for the Dallas Cowboys. However, he played with a lot of grimy cats from the hood at the University of Alabama. So therefore, at the minimum he should have been schooled on hood protocol #6; amendment 1: “What happens at the crib stays at the crib” or a better translation “All business ain’t street business bruh!” Otherwise, it’s gonna be some furniture moving around this joint!

In a recent interview he threw his teammates under the bus and backed over them just for good measure.

"It's definitely not a fun place to be, I can assure you," McElroy said Wednesday on Birmingham, Ala., radio station 97.3 The Zone. "It's the first time I've ever been around extremely selfish individuals. I think that's maybe the nature of the NFL, but there were people within our locker room that didn't care whether we won or lost as long as they ... had really had good games individually."

"That's the disappointing thing," he continued. "It's going to take a lot to come together next year. I think the fact we struggled at times this year really led to ... this corrupt mindset within the locker room. But I think we're going to regroup. I think we'll be a better team because of the trials and tribulations this year."

He's like the guy standing on the porch talking to the police after the homicide with the TV cameras rolling, giving a complete description of the suspects that live across the street. Now unless he's planning on moving after the interview with a police escort. That’s not a good idea. Sure, everybody wants to tell the authorities what’s really going on but their hands are tied because they can’t afford to move out of the neighborhood. Even if they could Big Momma and ole Uncle Junior can’t or won’t! So you learn very quickly that “Mums the word!”

McElroy may as well plan on not playing football ever again. Not only did he blast his teammates but he destroyed any opportunity of being trusted by other players in the league for life. He's like the kid that goes to school and tells the teacher that his daddy didn't come home last night and that his mother keeps giving her money to a guy in the alley for some little white rocks. It may be true but everybody in the teachers lounge doesn't need to know that.

How a guy that is riding the pine has the nerve to call out his teammates like that is beyond me. He's so deep in the bench that he's wearing a coal miner’s helmet. As a matter of fact, he wears his street clothes underneath his uniform like ole boy Tim Robbins did in Shawshank Redemption. That way after the game he can just slip out of the locker room real quick like.

He may as well stay in Alabama and live the good life of being the quarterback of the National Championship Crimson Tide! It’s a safe and easy life. He’s adored in that state and he’ll be taken care of for the rest of his life but in New York he’s not so beloved especially in that locker room.

However, if he’s stupid enough to show up at the Jets facility this off- season. He’ll have a two piece with a biscuit waiting for him because he ordered it and ordered it with an attitude.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
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