That Guy!

"Daddy Ball"
It simply blows my mind that people will have the audacity to call only when your team loses when they have no interest one way or the other. You can go months and even years without hearing from them but as soon as your team goes down the phone rings. It's not like your team lost to their team or anything. They just happened to lose. Question is, why does "that guy" care at all!
I'm a huge Oklahoma Sooner football fan and we don't lose but once or twice a year if that. However, every time the Sooners go down I get a phone call from the same two guys that don't even care about college football. My buddies that are Laker fans are getting the same thing now that they've recently lost to Dallas. It's not Mavrick fans calling, however. It's some random guy that they haven't heard from in months.

If you are a real fan of a team you know not to call people and talk trash because you realize that at some point your team is going to go down and you don't want that call. You can't win every game so when you do win enjoy it and move on. You don't call folks and talk trash unless your team has beaten their team and you guys were talking trash anyway.

The question I always ask is, Why do you care that my team just lost?  If they weren't playing against your team it should be irrelevant, right? It's always the guy that's switching teams every year that way you can't talk trash to him. Every time you talk to him he's jumping on the bandwagon of whoever is winning right now. At the beginning of the season they were rolling with the Celtics and now they're hanging out on South Beach with LeBron and D. Wade. Yeah "That Guy"!

When you really peal the onion back it's the guy that's jealous of you  for whatever reason and the only time they can win is when you lose .  What's so crazy is that you have no control over whether your team wins or loses but this freaking guy calls you like you played in the game and fumbled on the goal line or blew the last second shot!

So when they call just understand that this is the only time they feel good about themselves. It's unbelievable that this guy will be at home hoping that your team loses just because it's your team. How pathetic is that?

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 Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves

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