Grown Men And Video Games!

Warning: Not made for men over 30 with a family!
I asked the question sometime ago, "What's the difference between a man and a boy?" A man takes care of his family and a boy takes care of himself. A grown man, for the sake of this argument, is a person that is at least thirty years old, married or not. With that being said, if he's busy taking care of his family or his business there is very little time to spend playing video games.  A grown man has responsibilities that go beyond the scope of himself that reach into the realm of others lives. So when I hear of men playing video games on a regular basis, it disappoints me because that's a problem bruh. They either aren't working, aren't working hard enough or not trying to work hard enough. Otherwise they wouldn't have time to play games all day.

 Now I can understand playing every now and then with your son or daughter to burn off stress and bond with the kids. However, if you're an avid player of on-line circles and you're good enough to be ranked in the world you're neglecting your family, job or something because there's only so much time in a day playboy.

If you've got that type of time of your hands you should be trying to figure out how to make more money. A man can never have too much of that. Since video gaming isn't paying a salary and doesn't have the potential to, you've got to find something else to do. Cuz on some real talk, the cats that made XBox etc. are already rich! You need to be trying to get rich homeboy. A real man is constantly trying to figure out ways to improve himself because it's his responsibility to be the leader in his home. Self improvement is the key to wisdom and growth and video games don't provide that.

Gaming is a hobby that kids and college students should be involved in because they've got nothing else better to do. They go to class and hang out. So gaming makes sense for that age group of kids and young men in their twenties but a grown man with or without a family should be on a grind. Not sitting around playing games when there's always something that needs to be done. Like helping the kids with homework, cutting the grass, fixing things around the house that are broken and most importantly, spending time with the wife or potential wife. Stop me when I start lyin' playa and playettes!

"This can't improve your relationship"

If you're not careful the lights, gas and even your wife or girlfriend, depending on your marital status, will get turned off by your behavior and one out the three of them will be hard to get back on, literally. I'm just trying to help you out bruh before you lose the ultimate game.  Wasting time in front of a television playing games doesn't improve your resume in or out of the house pimpin'.

I hear you saying, "what's wrong with burning off a little stress every now and then playing Madden etc? Absolutely nothing my bruh, if it's every now and then. I'm not talking to that guy, I'm talking to the dun that spends the majority of his time playing. The majority of a man's time should be spend doing three things, praising God, nurturing his family and making money in that order. If you aren't doing that in my opinion, you just haven't become a grown man yet because REAL grown men are constantly on a grind.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on on Twitter:@jaygravesreport

1 comment:

  1. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man I put childish thing behind me. 1 Corinthians 13:11

    Jay the reason so many men get caught up is that they don't fear GOD. In every part of His word He challenges us; to take care of, lead, be strong, stand firm etc. but because we water down the truth with being politically correct grown men will sit for hours or even days playing video games. Our wives need grown up interaction and they need it from us so while you are playing games she is craving attention and the enemy is watching closely. Fellas wake up and grow up or stay a child and wonder what happened. In 2 Corinthians 13:5 we are told " Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves." We all need to check ourselves on a daily basis because we can get caught up.

    Time to put childish things behind you.



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